24 de março de 2020 Comunicação FLD

“There is no fear in love”. 1 John 4:18


The advancement of COVID 19 directly threatens all people and groups who have lived in social isolation for centuries with invisibility regarding their rights.

Diakonia is a denouncement of the unreasonableness and lack of love of fundamentalist political and religious leaders who opt for ignorance and opportunism instead of public policies and essential measures in this extreme risk scenario.

The defense of human rights is at the heart of Jesus’ transforming diakonia. Diakonia is faith engaged in overcoming inequality. It is health, safety and housing. It is fair distribution of income. It is decent work, a popular and solidary economy. It is diversity, gender justice and democracy.

Diakonia is sacred territory secured for traditional peoples and communities.

The priority of FLD-COMIN-CAPA’s diakonal work is people in situations of violation of rights, their territories and care for the work teams. Thus, FLD-COMIN-CAPA decide:

  • To accompany with and support vulnerable groups safely and in real time;
  • To install remote work for the teams, following the guidelines for staying at home and physical isolation, when necessary;
  • To cancel and/or transfer all travels and presential activities;
  • To defend SUS and the immediate repeal of CA 95/2016, which imposed a 20-year freeze on public investments;
  • To ask for urgent adoption of a basic income for the impoverished and severely affected by the economic crisis.


loodgieter den haag

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